8711 Cloverdale Ave | Ferndale, MI 48220 | Phone: (248) 586-8900
Since 2003, Ferndale Schools has been educating and advancing Michigan students online and on-campus.
Extending across Oakland, Wayne, and Macomb Counties, we are the local leaders in digital learning.
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Online classes include teacher support, with in-person classroom opportunities.
Everything you need to earn your full-high school diploma. TCEC’s curriculum fulfills the Michigan Merit Curriculum requirements and is aligned to Common Core and state standards. All classes are available online and in-person.
Not sure where to start?
Join one of our career exploration cohorts to sample different pathways through hands-on experience and engagement with industry professionals.
Ready to explore a career path?
Take courses in Forestry, Animation, Cybersecurity, Marine Science, Finance, Health & Fitness, Fine Arts, Journalism & so much more.
Get FREE industry-recognized certifications and training in growing career sectors while earning your high school diploma, for free. Current training programs are offered in healthcare, information technology, construction trades, and manufacturing.
Construction Trades |
Healthcare |
Information Technology |
Manufacturing |
Take our Career Goals Survey today to receive professional certificate support.
Our professional certificate partnerships help you complete high school and graduate with the training to join the workforce and get paid on your schedule.
Need help with your resume or finding the right job? Career counselors and MichiganWorks! staff are on-site and on-call to get you working right away. They will support you with career exploration, the application and interview process, and work with recruiting employers for placement.
“Throughout my years of school, I’ve never felt more comfortable at another school until my first year at TCEC. Now I haven’t always been the best of students, though I always had a good personality, but that’s what TCEC made me into: a good student. When I first came to this school, I thought it was going to be all fun and games until I met Ms. Roy. Having Ms. Roy as an advisor was the best “worst” thing that could’ve happened to me but it was because of her actions that I am able to stand here today.
I’ve gotten so much help from so many teachers at TCEC in order to achieve this goal. There were many long days and sleepless nights on the phone, as well as early morning meetings with Mrs. K, getting help with my English. There were long days in school and after school with Mr. M as he tried to explain math to me as if it was a second language to me. I also can’t forget all the love that the office staff gave me, like my 3rd moms, Ms. Heather and Mrs. Mirkes, as they made sure I was ok and doing well in my classes. Mrs. Lovins was always there, too, pulling me out of my group of friends and making sure I got to class on time. So, I’d like to thank them today for everything that they did because truthfully they went out their way for me, just as they would for anybody else.”
One word to describe my time at TCEC is success. From the Principal, teachers, and even janitors there could be no wrongdoing. When I first started to attend TCEC I did not think I was going to fit in. I thought because it was “one of those” schools that it was going to be hard to accomplish my goals. Throughout my first year, my grades were good, but I still didn’t feel like I wanted to be at TCEC.
Then began my second year. I was much more acquaintanced with my staff. Mr. Khoury, Ms.Bauer, Ms.Pam, and Ms.Roy just to name a few. All of the names I included helped me through my last year of high school. Mr.Khoury kept my head on straight, as well as Mr.Hunt making sure that trouble never crossed my path. I love that whenever I needed to get things off my chest that Ms. Pam, Ms.Bauer, or Ms. Roy was there to be supportive. I honestly thank them because my train would have fallen off the tracks without them.
Looking back on it all, what TCEC encouraged was success, goals, and morals. The people of TCEC never wanted to see anybody down or struggling. TCEC always wanted the best for me, which caused me to take leadership roles of my own. My time at TCEC has made me into a better person inside and outside of school. I am now prepared for the next step in my life because of Tri-County.
The first step to your future starts with our Enrollment Questionnare. Your application will be reviewed, and you will be contacted by a Ferndale Schools Enrollment Officer.